Zoolz Backup Features

Simplify IT with Zoolz DIY Solutions

Empower your IT team with Zoolz's user-friendly deployment and management tools. From effortless installation via Active Directory to streamline remote backup configurations, make IT management hassle-free.

Active Directory Deployment

Zoolz simplifies the installation process of the software via Active Directory Support. With Group Policies (GPO), you can push the sign up credentials, backup policy, and storage limits. Once the setup is deployed, the backup starts without any intervention.
If your company is globally distributed, Zoolz offers several options to simplify users deployment with email invites, CSV import, centralized users management, client locator and more.

Manage Users, Computers And Servers

At any time, you can activate, suspend, delete users, reset passwords, set storage limits and assign new backup policies.

All changes are pushed instantly with a click of a button.

Remote Backup Configuration

From a centralized web console, via policies, you can:
  • Select Data to Back up
  • Apply filters and regular expressions
  • Set access privileges
  • Specify what WiFi Network to backup on
  • Configure Backup Schedule
  • Allow user to set their encryption password
Zoolz goes beyond offering web access to files, Zoolz Remote Restore allows you to push any file or folder, no matter how large, to any target computer of that user.

You can even choose to restore from a specific date range, overwrite existing duplicates of the files, and restore to the original or an alternate location.